Friday 26 August 2011

Immersive Writing-11-08-26

When I signed up for Immersive Writing Lab I thought it was a fancy name for working as a digital add on to film and TV, not realising that it is a term in itself to cover writing with all platforms in mind rather than each platform as an add on. I have heard of multi platform and 360 marketing but these have all been extensions of an original article like a TV show, film or web drama. Immersive as I understand suggests that all these bases must be touched at concept stage.

I know a guy who tried to launch a mobile phone drama linked to a website with profiles as well as a FB page and Twitter. I think the reason it failed was that he sought to sell it for a one off payment for £1.50 on iTunes. Or it may have been awful, I don't know since I thought paying for content in that way was not what the internet is about.

I know people pay more for film and music but the film and music that sells in quantity, even artists with a small fan base making less than 50k a year, to reach that stage have become, however small a brand. What my friend tried to do was to become the brand with the digital only and without the support of anything bigger like a branded website to link with his web drama.

For any of our groups to be successful we need three things. Content, the story world and the ability to produce that content, a sponsor who has an external advertising budget to promote our content and platform savvy marketing to tailor our content to suit the attributes of those various platforms.

As we worked through the day on Sunday I thought the Audience was looked at far too late down the track. In most business ventures the Audience / Customer is key and my group developed a project that Julian annoyingly kept calling the Comedy; I'll come back to that point. We found ourselves late afternoon trying to work out who the audience might be.

We might have looked at Audience first and then what platforms/technology that Audience used and how would we reach them, then design the Story World, Characters and Story strands. With this approach we would have identified more readily how we would use different technology platforms throughout the story development rather than return to the story world as we did late in the day.

Your group was Northumberland Thriller, there was a Moon group that I think was Sci Fi, but our perfect Stepford type world was referred to as Comedy. I think, and I am sure it is something that Phil Parker has written, that Comedy is a tonal issue. The important thing is story; you story world will be dependent on how good a story you create before you build in the thriller elements.

Audiences will warm to the heart in the story and be excited by those thriller tensions. This might suggest that all genre is an add on but I think that whatever genre the groups steer towards it is the underlying stories that provide the heart and that the genre elements are the tropes and conventions we expect or might expect to be subverted within that particular genre.

I don't see our group, which at the moment is called Persephone as a comedy project. We are aiming for a wide and complex story world with story strands that might be seen as Romance, Thriller and Political. These stands will all have moments of comedy as much as they will have pathos.

We may have a strand that is close to sit-com, another strand, that is boy meets girl, loses girl and when they meet again as changed characters poses the question can they rekindle the love they once had or will they fight to the bitter end.

We will also have intrigue, a thriller about a character from another’s past who might bribe, menace or possibly kill. All these different genre stands are possible in as much the same way as they are in Desperate Housewives that is often described as a Comedy Drama.

Thursday 25 August 2011

News with a Twist-11-06-10

Olympic Torch Modified After Risk Assessment

by Michael Colman

No, its not a high tech hearing aid, a designer cosh for muggers or even a model of a new city skyscraper. It’s the Olympic torch, coming to a town near you.

Organisers claim everyone will be within one hour of seeing it if they can get their butts off the sofa and can afford the petrol for a two hour round trip. It will also be available to watch on the red button

The torch to be carried through the streets will be a worthless plastic replica to deter thieves from deprived areas. To prevent it being used as a weapon, when struck it is designed to bend and wilt like a daffodil. The replica is light enough to be carried by children. If necessary the children may be carried by athletes. Inspirational stuff.

This modified version results from a risk assessment to prevent injury to arm and leg muscles and the potential to be dropped on toes of the athletes thus negating years of training and missing out on the chance to compete. To prevent burns and save local Fire Brigade time the flame will be “fake fire” similar to that used in Las Vegas casinos or on a Big Brother Roman orgy night.

Unsurprisingly, the replica torch is available on the website in the “Light my Fire” section. The first 500000 purchases will attract treble Olympic loyalty card points.

The original concept of the Olympic torch was that messengers where sent out to announce competitions and call a halt to wars in readiness for the games. Torch bearing volunteers are needed for Libya, Israel, Syria and all points east.

First shown at London Festival Fringe, 10 June 2011

News with a Twist-11-06-06

Cucumbers released after mistaken identity by Michael Colman

This week in Lubeck cucumbers were released from custody in a clear case of mistaken identity following the confession of a batch of bean sprouts in causing the recent e-coli outbreak.

The cucumbers had been interrogated by German police and a psychiatrist who had seen the cucumbers as attention seekers suffering from low self esteem caused by photographers preferring to use lettuce, radicchio and rocket in magazine adverts for healthy food.

“We are cool”, yelled the angry cucumbers as they left custody but waiting paparazzi still ignored them and took pictures of the psychiatrist and the police sergeant.

Following a police apology one of the vegetables said it would be difficult to return home and face relatives back at the greenhouse in Spain.

Meanwhile a cucumber who introduced herself as Ms. Cutie, keen to enjoy her fifteen minutes of fame, posed provocatively hoping to secure a gig with an English tabloid or Premiership footballer.

Earlier she had protested she thought it impossible for police officers to mistake her firm silky green skin for that of a pale insignificant misshapen bean sprout.

As they were driven away one cucumber enquired to their destination. “Lunch”, replied the officer; “I know a good salad bar”.

First Shown on London Festival Fringe 6 June 2011

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Immersive Writing-11-08-22

Last weekend I attended

where I was dragged out of the 80s into the present day. I now have this blog, I am on Twitter as


and my recent work may be viewed at